Angular ES6 TDD-ready frontend boilerplate
ngesixstarter is a simple front-end starter template for building AngularJS applications using ECMAScript6 features.
- AngularJS + ES6 + Karma + Jasmine
- TDD-ready environment.
- ECMAScript6 support.
- CSS & Javascript source map.
- Livereload! Browser automatically refresh on changes.
- LESS support.
- Javascript & CSS minification.
- Javascript linting.
- CSS Autoprefixer.
- MIT License
Quick Start
Download the zip project here
Or clone this git repo: <pre>
git clone
Install dependencies & Start developing
Install project dependencies from command line:
npm install
Run gulp command and start developing:
By default gulp will start a new web server at http://localhost:8080 and karma for test execution.
Javascript code will be transpiled to EcmaScript5. All js files will be minified and included in dist/js/app.js.
Enable javascript source maps in your browser to easily debug your application.
Build project
Build your project using the build command:
gulp build
The above command will produce a ‘dist’ folder.
Run your project with docker! Install Docker and use the following commands to build the image and run the container:
cd into your project folder and build docker image:
docker build -t your_project .
install dependencies:
docker run --rm -v path/to/your/project:/opt your_project npm install
start developing:
docker run --rm -v path/to/your/project:/opt your_project
- setup bower configuration
- review and improve build